Sobre poblaciones indígenas

Les recomiendo ver el último número de Inter American Dialogue, August 28, 2008

How Can Peru Balance Economic Growth and Indigenous Land Rights?

A strike by indigenous tribes in Peru’s Amazon region ended last week when legislators agreed to revoke a controversial law— decreed by President Alan Garcia to comply with provisions of the Peru free trade agreement—that made it easier to approve the sale of communal lands.

Garcia called repealing the law a "mistake" that would deter investment in Peru’s poorest regions. Is this likely? How can balance expansion of its energy and industrial sectors with the land rights of its indigenous people?

Con comentarios de:
Jaime Quijandría is a Partner at Laub & Quijandría, a law and consulting firm in Lima
Andrew E. Miller is an Environmental and Human Rights Campaigner at Amazon Watch.
Manuel Glave is a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development in Lima

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Para más información sobre el tema, pueden ver la entrevista que me hace Jaime de Althaus el día 19 de Setiembre del 2008 en la Hora N:


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